Becoming a JRTCGB Approved Judge
If you would like to become an approved judge for the JRTCGB then the following procedures are in place;-
GB Judges
To be included on the JRTCGB List of Approved G.B. Judges
A person must;
– Be a current member of good standing.
– Have been a member for a minimum of 2 consecutive years.
– Have judged a minimum of 2 region shows in Gt.Britain.
– Be recommended by a region for inclusion on the G.B. list.
– Have that recommendation accepted by the National Committee.
– Have signed the annual Judges Agreement.
Overseas Judges
To be included on the JRTCGB List of Approved Overseas Judges
A person must;
– Be a current member of good standing.
– Have been a member for a minimum of 5 consecutive years.
– Have been an approved G.B. Judge on the list for a minimum of 2 years.
-Be recommended by a region for inclusion on the Overseas list.
-Have that recommendation approved by the National Committee.
-Have signed the annual Judges Agreement.
Members Seeking Approval as GB Judges
To be included on this list a person must;
-Be a current fully paid up member
-Confident and willing to judge a club show.
-Have signed the annual Judges Declaration
-Send their contact details and short C.V. to both,
The National Chairman. Email
The National Secretary Email