2019 Judge’s profile
I grew up in a rural area with many hunting dogs around me. During the school holidays and harvest time I spent a lot of time at my grandparent’s farm. My grandfather had an Irish Wolfshound at this time. We ourselves had a Teckel (a rough coat german Dachshound) and an English Cocker Spaniel. In the circle of our friends were also German Pointers and German Drahthaars. Through my father´s job we had to move into a big city and we had no way to keep a dog anymore.
After school, my training came as an electrician, the first daughter, the wedding of my wonderful wife and 4 more children. No time for animals! But when the children got bigger we started breeding with rabbits and chickens. Our daughter Fabienne said:” Daddy ..you said when we live in a house we will get a dog!” That was the point where the misery began!
Actually, I wanted a cocker spaniel or a Dogo Argentino … but then I got to know a JACK RUSSELL TERRIER in a stable. At the end of Jan 2004 “Daisy” moved in with us. I became a member of the JRTV e.V. (the first affiliated german club) and in October we went hunting (wild boar and deer ) the first time. I quickly realized one Jack Russell is not enough. Pongo (Hill Farm Charlie X Bayfox Kid) came into our lives. The next 5 years we went out wild boar hunting 25-30 times that season without a hunting license! In Germany it´s not allowed to hunt without a hunting license. At the end of 2005 I had my first litter. I went to show´s and learned a lot from my friend ChristophHesemann about the real Jack Russell. He was the the reason I changed the club to the DJRTV e.V (the 2nd affiliated german club). And he was the one who brought me to the national show in 2008. In 2007 i became a member of the board of our club. I wrote the pedigrees and started to judge dogs for the breeding admission. From the beginning it was a part of my job to organize the club show.
2009 my wife and I gained our hunting license. 2014 we completed training as a game keeper. In addition to my job I’m employed as a game keeper on a farm. Since 2014 to Jan 2019 I was the chairman of the DJRTV e.V. Since a majority of the board members of DJRTV e.V. spoke out against the re-affiliation to the JRTC of GB, I resigned as chairman in January 2019.
The first show I judged was in 2016 in Sweden for the JRTC of Sweden. Last year I was asked to judge the terrier´s at the Highclere country and fair.
From 2005 to today we had 15 litter´s and at the moment we live with 7 JRT. 2 other dogs from our kennel live with our son-in-law Sebastian 2 others with our third daughter Thanee. Both were very active on the board of DJRTV e.V.
My passion is the wild boar hunting with our little white devil´s. In my opinion they are smarter and not as stupid as the German hunting terrier.(Jachterrier) Furthermore, I help with the training of terriers at the artificial, with live quarry. I also love to hunt the artificial. You don´t have to dig so deep!
What I wish for the future of our dogs…
I want the Jack Russell Terrier to stay were he always was… the gentleman among terriers, lifes artist in all places, each dog unique, full of passion, humour, and enjoyment of life and health!
Always Remember your Terrier´s!
HoRüdHo und Waidmannsheil!
Marco Mausehund